I’m trying online dating

This is a follow on from my previous blog post “So I’m thinking of online dating”. Check it out if you haven’t, or drop me some advice, share some of your own experiences with me. I’d love to hear them.

Yeah I’ve taken a day or two to come around to it and man up, but I’m tired and can’t sleep. This is often the sort of time where I make big decisions, you decide on if that’s sensible or dumb.

I’m going to sift through the massive amount of choices and after a little advice as well as a good amount of comforting from the super friendly author ofย http://intothebeauty.wordpress.com/. I’m not planning on spending any money here, just put some time into it. I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, time to nut up or shut up!

I’ll probably give updates on some details, though I’m expecting nothing out of this. Who knows? It’s an experience that I haven’t explored before, either way. It’ll be fun getting to know some new people, if we’re not compatible..well..Nothing ventured, nothing gained eh?

As super apprehensive as I am about it, I know I’m going to struggle a hell of a lot writing the little about myself. Wish me luck, I’m going in.

9 thoughts on “I’m trying online dating

  1. Hi! I find your quest both genuine and courageous. It’s hard to put yourself out there, especially after a break up. I have a lot of experience with online dating, specifically OkCupid, and would like to offer any help you might be open to. Good luck!

    • Hi there, thanks for the kind words. It’s quite daunting to pick which sites are worth my time, I’m always interested in hearing other people’s experiences, especially someone that wants to share ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m all ears.

      • If your goal is to physically go out on dates and meet people in person, then I would try OkCupid. I personally think it’s the best one, because it’s free and I’ve gotten a lot of actual dates from it. My advice about your profile would be: check your grammar , make sure someone takes at least two good pictures of you -no selfies, if you want to do it yourself use your laptop, and make sure your personality shines through. In regards to sending messages, be personal and genuine. Mention something from her profile. Messages like ” Hey, you’re cute” or ” hi ” will not get you anywhere. My blog is centered around dating and I meet most of my dates online. It references boys a lot, but my thoughts are pretty universal… at least I’d like to think so. I hope I was at least a little helpful!

      • Yeah, I guess I should grab a new picture or two and make sure my profile is upto scratch. I’ve just had a browse through a few sites and so many are subscription based, ugh! I’ll try OkCupid, thanks for the tip. I’m going into the whole idea pretty open to see what happens, rather than to have huge expectations and just find it to be another disappointment in life! I have enough of those ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m really curious to hear more about your experiences and I look forward to seeing more of your blog!

  2. Good luck, friend! You’re going into this with the best intentions. And the most comforting part is, you are not alone. We’re all in search of love and companionship. We’ll get there, I promise. Just keep your heart in it ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Pingback: Online Dating – Step 1 | MelancholyContemplation

  4. Pingback: Online Dating – Progress? | MelancholyContemplation

  5. Pingback: Online Dating thoughts | MelancholyContemplation

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